D.9. Key Learning Outcomes

1. To gain state-of-the art information on molecular structure, development and biochemical metabolism of stem cells

2. To understand and critically assess stem cells and interactions with their environment

3. To assess the roles of stem cells in tissue-organ development and function

4. To understand the role of stem cells in regenerative medicine/tissue engineering, to comprehend interactions between disciplines at an (inter)national level

5. To obtain knowledge and comply with legal and ethical principles for clinical use, to be aware of their importance individually and for society

6. To follow new developments and technologies in the field of stem cells, to be able to use equipment and materials used in basic stem cell sciences

7. To be able to use information technology professionally

8. To discuss at a (inter)national level topics related to stem cells, to possess knowledge and the long-term capability to solve problems

9. To present scientific opinions on theoretical and practical topics, to discuss these with specialists, to defend and question norms, to assess the quality-based results

10. To analyse research data obtained using statistical methods, and to report evidence based research at an (inter)national scientific level

11. To know the working standards of a stem cell laboratory, to implement the rules of data acquisition and scientific reporting, ethics and biosafety