D.9. Key Learning Outcomes

1. Reach the necessary knowledge and methods within the scope of Quality and Conformity Assessment Engineering through scientific research; evaluate knowledge and methods; utilize and implement them during quality monitoring, conformity assessment and quality improvement processes with a system point of view.

2. Implement engineering tools and modeling techniques for the innovative design, development, analysis and improvement of quality that integrates man, machine, material and knowledge.

3. Determine the national and international standards of products, processes and systems and prepare the necessary documentation.

4. Develop measurement systems to assess the conformity of products and systems and implement them.

5. Develop and plan projects for quality improvement, conformity assessment and standard determination; monitor, control and evaluate projects in progress.

6. Evaluate the data obtained from systems through the analysis with advanced methods; complete limited and missing data within the scope of quality and conformity engineering through scientific methods.

7. Report and present studies, projects, outcomes/results and evaluations on the design, development, analysis, planning, monitoring and improvement of quality systems.

8. Effectively utilize computer software, information systems, information and communication technology related with quality and conformity engineering.

9. Are aware of the professional responsibility, describe the technological, economic and environmental effects of the quality and conformity assessment engineering applications, work as an individual independently and as a team member having an understanding of the scientific and institutional ethical values, take responsibility and lead the team.

10. Are aware of the up-to-date quality and conformity assessment engineering applications, follow the necessary literature within the scope of quality and conformity assessment engineering; have the competency to reach knowledge in a foreign language, to quote and implement them