D.9. Key Learning Outcomes

1. Have up to date information about nursing management.

2. Develop skills to perform management functions.

3. Identify problems about nursing management and practices.

4. Work with interdisiplinary groups in nursing management.

5. Apply information and care technologies which are necessary for nursing management.

6. Plan, write a report and submit scientific research which will be evidence for nursing practices.

7. Communicate verbally and written by using a foreign language B2 level; European language portfolio.

8. Demonstrate the performance nursing management functions- based on legal issues, scientific and ethical principles.

9. Evaluate current developments on nursing servicess based upon the needs of society and professsional values, principles.

10. Evaluate in the development of organizational, national and international health care politics, finance and regulatory mechanisms.

11. Lead innovations and changes for patient safety and quality care.

12. Take an active role in building a safe work enviroment.

13. Evaluate scientific research related to nursing and management.

14. Embrace the leader role as a nurse manager.

15. Demonstrate life long learner behaviors and involve in activities to develop professional practices, values and nursing image.