D.9. Key Learning Outcomes

1. Knows the development of autism and comorbid disorders in individuals.

2. Knows and implements professional and publication ethics in the area of education of individuals with autism.

3. Follows educational and research developments in the area of autism and shares research findings with national/international stakeholders.

4. Completes the steps of a research study including conducting literature review, developing study methodology, collecting study data, analyzing and reporting research findings

5. Discusses the significance of inter-disciplinary roles and collaboration in the area of education of individuals with autism and uses knowledge and skills in inter-disciplinary works

6. Otizm alanındaki gelişimsel, eğitsel ve sosyal sorunlara farklı bilimsel araştırma paradigmaları ile çözümler sunar.

7. Knows, compares, and analyzes evidence based practices in the area of education of individuals with autism.

8. Conducts assessments, plans and implements educational/developmental interventions using theoretical and practical knowledge in the area of education of individuals with autism.

9. Support and maintain professional development and life-long learning following theoretical and practical developments

10. Uses effective technology-based practices in the area of education of individuals with autism.