D.9. Key Learning Outcomes

1. Based on the graduate level proficiency improves and deepens the actual and advanced knowledge with original thought and/or research in the level of specialty.

2. Comprehends interdisciplinary interaction related with his/her field; performs analysis and synthesis of the new and complex ideas and reaches the original results by using expert knowledge in assessment.

3. Evaluates and uses knowledge with systematic approach in his/her field; makes critical analysis, synthesis, and assessment of knowledge and transfer it.

4. Develops a new idea, method, design and/or application for innovation in his/her field or performs a known idea, method, design and/or application to a different field. Researches an original subject; comprehends, designs, adapts and implements them

5. Possesses the high level skills in using research methods in his/her field

6. Publishes at least one article related with his/her field in national or international academic journals.

7. Works in situation, which requires to solving original and interdisciplinary problems

8. Develops new ideas and methods related to his/her field using upper level intellectual processes such as innovative and critical thinking, solving problems and enacting.

9. Makes a scientific research at national or international academic groups

10. Enables to apply the results of reseach to field.

11. Contributes the solution of the social, scientific, cultural and ethical problems in his/her field and supports the improvement of these values

12. Presents the scientific and technologic progresses in his/her field, contributes the processes of being an information society where he/she lives and continuation of this.