D.9. Key Learning Outcomes

1. The student deepens the knowledge he/she acquired during his/her field or another field, can explain the interdisciplinary interaction.

2. The student has knowledge and interpretation skills about economic and fiscal phases of societies and relations between societies.

3. The student has researching, planning and realization skills which are necessary for his/her field.

4. The student has the knowledge he/she must reach by processing data, at a theoretical level.

5. The student has skills of analyzing the knowledge he/she acquired in his/her field, interpreting and evaluating them using the knowledge he/she brought from other fiels, making suggestions of solution, evaluating crtical approaches. Within the precess he/she behaves in harmony with cultural, scientific and ethical values.

6. The student can solve a problem in his/her field as an individual and within a team, being aware of leadership responsibility.

7. The student can prepare reports and works in accordance with academic rules in the light of the knowledge he/she acquired in his/her field.

8. For problems he/she identified in his/her field, he/she makes suggestions of solution and/or solutions by using researh methods.

9. The student can direct his/her education to a higher education program or a professÅŸon in his/her field.

10. The student is aware of the cotinuity of education and learning. He/she has a open attitude towards change and innovation.