D.9. Key Learning Outcomes

1. To learn and follow the most recent literature in pediatric oncology.

2. To learn the harmony between pediatric oncology clinic and other cancer clinics and to orchestrate them.

3. To use statistical methods and software for research.

4. To use technology for patient care, research, analysis or presentation

5. To present, write and publish his/her research globally

6. To learn and use the statistics in oncology, to write or to criticize any manuscript in oncology, or to plan a research

7. To combine his/her experience and the latest literature for solving problems

8. To have the capability of design basic or translational research

9. To be willing of self-continuing education

10. To be able to communicate nationally or globally with other cancer professionals.

11. To design and execute experiments independently or with a team

12. To interpret the results of an experiment or research, to conclude and discuss a scientific or clinical problem

13. To solve any complex problem or difficult case of patient with his/her experience

14. To take a role in collecting, processing or announcing data in national basis