D.9. Key Learning Outcomes

1. Student has basic knowledge and skill of subject and pedagogical areas.

2. . Student recognizes problems related to primary and middle level mathematics areas and develops suggestions and solutions for those problems.

3. Students has knowledge related to scientific research methods and techniques.

4. Student can perform quantitative and qualitative research related to primary and middle mathematics education.

5. Student will be aware of problems related to mathematics teachers in the level of primary and middle school; plans a scientific research, and use data analysis techniques for developing solutions

6. Student develops the best education strategies, methods, and techniques, teaching materials, and the most effective measurement and evaluation techniques by considering primary and middle level students, individual differences, primary and middle education program and its content, and program development principles.

7. Student follows national and international studies related to mathematics teachers and perform comparative studies.

8. Student has effective communication skills.

9. Student has scientific and professional ethic values and awareness.

10. Student gains lifelong learning behavior and comprehension.