D.9. Key Learning Outcomes

1. The student has detailed knowledge on biomolecules and metabolism; and applies and enhances this knowledge.

2. The student knows and uses the equipment and instruments specific to the field of biochemistry.

3. The student has fundamental laboratory knowledge such as laboratory safety and basic biochemical methods, and uses this information.

4. Knows basic statistical methods, applies this knowledge to study and interprets the results.

5. Knows professional ethics (intellectual property, academic integrity, ethics in human relations: avoids discrimination, values merit, respects privacy etc), research and publication ethics and applies this information.

6. Can access printed and electronic databases in the field and has the capacity to follow up recent advances in biochemistry and related fields.

7. Comprehends the interaction of biochemistry with other disciplines and makes use of them.

8. By means of theoretical knowledge and critical reasoning, plans the related experiments and puts into practice the relevant experimental approaches to his/her special field of study.

9. Evaluates the results of the study, interprets the data and writes its report.

10. Independently or with the help of an advisor can define a scientific or technical problem, propose a solution and if needed solves the problem.

11. Takes responsibility in collaborative studies, contributes to the studies and works in harmony.

12. Makes a presentation on a recent topic in the field of biochemistry.

13. Presents or publishes his/her studies in a scientific meeting or a journal.

14. Reads, comprehends, interprets and criticizes an article in the field of biochemistry.

15. Has proficiency in English required to follow the advances in biochemistry.