Department of Pharmaceutical Toxicology was founded at 25.02.1972 with the name of “Analytical Toxicology”, the name later was changed to “Analytical Toxicology and Bromatology” and “Pharmaceutical Toxicology”, respectively. Since 1972, it offers master's and doctoral education.
High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, RT-PCR, spectrofluorimeter, spectrophotometer, ELISA reader, ICP-MS, electrophoresis devices are present and a cell culture laboratory were located in the department. With these facilities, in different areas of toxicology such as cytotoxicity, cell damage, oxidative stress, antioxidant defense systems, DNA damage, reproductive system toxicity, immunotoxicity, nanotoxicity, endocrine disruptors, metal toxicity, mycotoxins, pteridine pathway are being evaluated in the laboratory of the department.
 Pharmaceutical Toxicology master?s graduates and proper candidates with master?s degree, PhD degree and medical expertise from other diciplines will be evaluated by the academic board of the Department of Toxicology for the PhD program. Candidates who want to apply this program, must send the following documents requested by the Hacettepe University Institute of Health Sciences.
1.Application Form (with photograph)
2.Photocopy of diploma or certificate of graduation
4.ALES certificate given by Student Selection and Placement Center (SSPC) with a mathematics score of at least 60 standard points or Graduate Record Examination (GRE) with at least 610 points, or the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) exam with the mathematical score of 475 points must be obtained. ALES certificate must not expire three years.(ALES-Yabancı Dil Puanları Tablosu). (
5.Candidate must have a foreign language certificate (KPDS/UDS) or must complete an equivalent foreign language exam that has to the mentioned certificated equivalency determined by the Board of Higher Education and must have the minimum scores required by the Senate of Hacettepe University. PhD student KPDS/UDS score must be at least 60 points or TOEFL or IELTS score must be at least 60 points.
6.Reference letters (two letters in a closed and signed envelope) should be given to department if requested.
7.Composition. The composition should be about the candidate's willingness to make a doctorate, stating the reasons and objectives.
Foreign students also must submit a photocopy of passport with these documents.
The candidates who provide the criteria, in the interview and / or written exam are accepted for the docrate program. The overall success of a candidate's grade is 50% of the ALES score, 20% of undergraduate grade point average and 30% of the entry exam. In the exam evaluation, candidates who receive 60% of the full score and 70% of the general score are accepted to be successful. According to the general achieved scores, the successful candidates are accepted in order. In case of equal scores, the overall success of exam candidates are taken into account. Results are announced by the institute.
The program consists of a total of 21 local credits (120 ECTS credits) with the prerequisite of elective course and 120 ECTS credits including thesis work and special topics courses. Totally the program consists of 240 ECTS credits, 1 ECTS is equivalent to 30 hours of workload.
Upon successful completion of the courses, students, who have an academic average of at least 3.00, are accepted to doctorate proficiency examination. Ph.D. proficiency examination consists of two exams: written and oral. PhD proficiency examination jury evaluates the student's written and oral examination success or failure and decides the success of the student by simple majority.
After being successful in the doctorate proficiency exam, a thesis committee is comprised by the opinion of the supervisor and the head of the department and with the approval of the board of directors of institutes. Students will orally defend the purpose, the method and the work plan of his/her thesis within six months to the steering committee. Thesis committee can accept or reject the proposal. Decisions are taken in one month by simple majority.
Upon completing the thesis, it should be prepared according to the Institute of Health Sciences Thesis Writing Guide and the student will defend the thesis to the jury. With the permission of the Board of the Institute of Health Sciences foreign students can prepare and present their thesis in English.
If the jury decides to reject the thesis or if the thesis needs a major revision, six months at most are given to revise the thesis. During this time, the students must make the necessary revisions and later defend his/her thesis once again to the same jury. If the jury rejects the thesis or its revision again, the student must prepare another thesis proposal after this proposal is accepted he/she should start his/her thesis studies soon.
Students? academic achievement status and results of the evaluation of the thesis defense examination are evaluated according to Hacettepe University Graduate Education and Exam
A student who is currently enrolled in a Doctorate Degree programme in related discipline at another institution and has successfully completed at least one semester, upon submitting all required documents before the deadline, he/she may transfer to the Master?s Degree Programme to Hacettepe University. For the acceptance of applications, there must be master student quotas in relevant department, and the student must provide all admission requirements must be enrolled in the post-graduate program courses at least one semester and must receive a70 (B3) note at least..
Admissions of the undergraduate transfer students by the board of the department are be finalized by the board of directors. (Hacettepe University Master Education and Examination Regulations;
The program aims to provide the doctors of science with extensive knowledge in the field of toxicology evaluating the safety exposure limits of chemicals and investigating prevention and treatment of poisonings, chemicals including medicines, harmful effects of the interactions between the physical and biological factors and biological systems, the relation between harmful results and dosage, exposure routes and its duration, mechanisms of effects and treatment.
The graduates have the ‘Specialists on Toxicology' degree and can work at the drug industry, especially on Pharmacovigilance, Licensing and R&D compartments; Turkey Pharmacovigilance Center and the other departments under the Ministry of Health, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency; Drug and Poison Information Centers, Forensic Toxicology Laboratories, reference laboratories and risk assessment departments in Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock and also Pharmaceutical Toxicology Departments in the Faculties of Pharmacy.
All courses are provided in both autumn and spring semester. Obligatory courses constitute the program (including special topics, while elective courses constitute the remaining Students that have not taken the EAT 613 I and EAT 614Â General Concepts In Toxicology II courses during their Master education and start directly from doctorate education, must take these lectures. And students are recommended to take the Biostatistics course from Hacettepe University, Institute of Health Sciences or other Institutes. For elective courses, student can take courses from Pharmaceutical Toxicology Doctorate Program or other programs. All obligatory and elective courses are listed in Course Structure Diagram. If necessary, students can take these courses in a different semesters providing the requirements of total credit.
Evaluation and assessment methods for each course are defined by the information packages for each course in the program. In order to be successful in a course, the student must receive at least B3 (70) in a course for doctorate students. H.U. Graduate Education and Examination Regulations shall apply for achievement scores for exams and courses. H.U. Graduate Education and Examination Regulations
As described in the part of “Qualification Requirements and Regulations”, the program consists of 24 local credits (120 ECTS credits) with the prerequisite of required and elective courses and with the prerequisite of 120 ECTS credits, including thesis work and special topics courses. In total, the program consists of 240 ECTS credits. Research in MS Thesis must be received and the student must be successful in his/her thesis defense.
1. Full Time Education
Prof. Dr. Ülfet Pınar ERKEKOĞLU
Heaf of Department
Fax: +90 312 311 47 77
Address: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Farmasötik Toksikoloji Anabilim Dalı Sıhhiye 06100 Ankara
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