Third Cycle Programmes
(Doctorate Degree/Doctor of Fine Arts)

D.1. General Information about Program


French Language Teaching Doctoral Program of Foreign Language Education attached to Graduate School of Social Sciences consists of two stages that are taking courses and thesis study. The candidates have to have a postgraduate diploma of French Language Teaching or an equivalance to apply French Language Teaching PhD program. The candidates have to meet the requirements of ALES (Academic Personal and Postgraduate Education Entrance Exam) and foreign language score set by Hacettepe University, Graduate School of Social Sciences (Look at: H.U Graduate Education and Exam Regulations). The language of the program is French.

The students have to take courses of 24 credits. The ones, having successfully completed 24 credits, take the proficiency exam after having met the requirements of Hacettepe University Graduate Education and Exam Regulations. The students who have passed successfully proficieny exam start to prepare doctoral thesis under the supervision of an advisor. The thesis is written in French. The students who have successfully defended their thesis are awarded with a diploma of French Language Teaching.

D.2 Qualification Awarded



D.3. Level of Qualification



D.4. Provisions for Registration


It is required to have a postgraduate diploma of French Language Teaching or an equivalance to apply French Language Teaching PhD program.

D.5. Qualification Requirements and Regulations


It is required to have completed 240 ECTS credits, to have achieved at least 3.00 CPA according to 4 point grading system, to have successfully passed doctoral proficiency exam and doctoral thesis dissertation to get a PhD degree.

D.6. Specific Arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning


Students enrolling PHD program in the Division of French Language Teaching are those who have the diploma of Expertise in French Language Teaching or an equivalent diploma.

D.7. Goals and Objectives


PHD program in the Division of French Language Teaching is a program which raises creative and critical scientists who are sensitive to human,society and moral values,respectful to themselves and their around, qualified in the profession; after life-long learning; competent users of their mother tounge and French and open to different ideas and cultures.

D.12. Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples


Graduate students of PhD degree can work at education and academic institutions besides various state and private sectors and ‘Foreign Affairs and European Union' departments of some Ministries.

D.13. Access to Further Studies


D.14. Profile of the Programme


PhD graduate program at French Language Teaching takes between 4 and 6 years, with 3 semesters courses, 1 semester “preparation for profiency” course and 4 semesters thesis (4 years prolong).

All the elective courses are given by the Department.

D.15. Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading


Assessment and Evaluation methods used in the classes are given in Curriculum in Package of Courses. As to the exams and pass marks, related clauses of ‘Hacettepe University Graduate Program Exam Regulations' are followed.

D.16. Graduation Requirements


In order to gradue from French Language Teaching Graduate Program, completing 24 credits, having GPA of at least 3.00, succeding in Doctorate Proficiency Exam and Thesis Defence.

D.17. Education Type


1. Full Time Education

D.18. Programme Director


Prof. Dr. Ece KORKUT

Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Fransız Dili Eğitim Anabilim Dalı -06800 Beytepe / Ankara

Tel: 0312.297 85 89

Fax. 0312.297.61.19
