Hacettepe University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cosmetology Sub-department was founded in 1993 under the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology according to the Law of Higher Education number 2547. Education in licence and master of science degrees have been conducted in Cosmetology Sub-Department since 1993 the year it was founded. Foundation purpose of Cosmetology Sub-Department is, to educate pharmacists who are experts on medicines, primarily on lectures of cosmetology in licence or master of science degree, to serve in industry or pharmacies. Since cosmetology is an interdisciplinary field, Cosmetology Master of Science programme accepts medical doctors, biologists, chemists and chemical engineers along with the pharmacists.
Master's Degree
Having graduated from Pharmacy, Medicine, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Biology Undergraduate programs.
Having ALES (SAY / EA) score type and ALES and Foreign Language base score determined by the Health Sciences Institute Board and approved by the Hacettepe University Senate (ALES-Foreign Language Scores Table). (http://www.saglikbilimleri.hacettepe.edu.tr/en/menu/ales_foreign_language_scores-252)
To meet the application requirements of Hacettepe University Graduate Education and Examination Regulations and Institute of Health Sciences.
???????Scientific Preparation Program will be applied for students from different disciplines. The shortcomings of these students arising from their own education will be eliminated by the Faculty of Pharmacy Undergraduate Courses.
The students enrolled in this program qualify for a graduate diploma after obtaining a total of 120 ECTS credits by completing all the required courses, finalizing their thesis by a successful thesis defense and fulfilling the graduation requirements of the Graduate Education Program of Hacettepe University, Institute of Health Sciences.
The relevant regulation rules apply to the recognition of the education received by a student who previously studied at a higher education institution in Turkey or abroad
In the light of the recent developments regarding the subjects of cosmetics and cosmeceutics, this program aims to train qualified personnel who have sufficient knowledge and skills to work in public associations of health about this topic; to train proficient personnel that can evaluate and conduct the regulations and applications in Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture or any other related associations in Turkey who can also internalize the applicability of EMA (European Union) and FDA (USA) standards (R&D, manufacturing, quality control, quality assurance, registration). Also to enable the pharmacists to serve as a cosmetics consultant in their pharmacies.
The graduates with cosmetology knowledge and skill background would take responsibility in industry and public associations of health.
This program consists of at least seven courses, a seminar course and a thesis study provided that they are not below the minimum credit requirements for graduate programs set by the Graduate Education and Training Regulations of Council of Higher Education and Hacettepe University, and is designed to enable graduate students to acquire the ability to access, compile, interpret and evaluate information by using scientific research methods.
 Evaluation and assessment methods for each course are defined in the "Course Teaching Plan" prepared by the related lecturer/s and included in the information package. Exams and evaluations are done in accordance with the relevant articles of the Hacettepe University, Graduate Education, Training and Examination Directive.
In order to graduate from the program, the student has to obtain all the required local and ECTS credits, complete the credited lectures and seminar course, meet the general average grade requirements, and successfully complete the thesis defense as stated in the Hacettepe University Graduate Education and Training Regulations. To finalize the graduation procedures, the student additionally needs to submit the necessary information and documents to the Institute of Health Sciences specified by the Hacettepe University Graduate Education and Training Regulations.
1. Full Time Education
Sub-department of Cosmetology Head: Prof. R. Neslihan Gürsoy
Telephone: 0 312 305 12 41
Fax: 0 312 310 09 06
E-mail: ngursoy@hacettepe.edu.tr