Second Cycle Programmes
(Master's Degree)

D.1. General Information about Program


Master degree Program for Gifted Education is a two-year program (4 semesters) with thesis handled by the Institute of Educational Sciences. Master degree program for Gifted Education has been established to train master level students who will provide educational services to gifted students. The students; who have been trained in this master degree program, will contribute to knowledge of teaching gifted students and meeting the need for qualified teachers of gifted students as well. The students who have completed this program carried out by Department of Special Education will be equipped with being a leader in this field.

D.2 Qualification Awarded


Master's Degree

D.3. Level of Qualification



D.4. Provisions for Registration


The candidates only who have the qualities below can apply to this program:

-have a valid bachelor's degree from a department of education faculties in 4-year universities. 

-fulfill the requirements stated in Hacettepe University Master Degree Instruction and Evaluation Code book.

-having 2.80/4 GPA or more 

-having 55 or more from YDS or equivalent exams.

-have 55 or more points from the linguistics part of (ALES) Academicals Master Education Exam.

- be successful in Entrance Exam that will be done. 

D.5. Qualification Requirements and Regulations


Students who attend the program must complete 60 ECTS credits, seminar course and thesis in order to graduate. 1 ECTS credit is equal to 30 hours of work load throughout the program.

Students also must complete and successfully defend a master's thesis under the supervision of their academic advisors.

D.6. Specific Arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning


In Turkish higher education institutions, recognition of previous formal education, vertical, horizontal and within university transitions are determined by the related regulations of the Council of Higher Education (YOK). A limited number of courses can be transferred between departments or a student may continue his/her education in a different department as long as conditions identified by the regulations are met. Since recognizing an informal education is at very early stages in Turkish Higher Education, YOK does not recognize education other than formal learning experiences.

D.7. Goals and Objectives


The aim of master degree for Gifted Education is to meet the need for master level students in Gifted Education. For this reason, it is aimed to increase knowledge of gifted education field, to make the students experts in universities in this field and to meet the need for qualified expert teachers of gifted students in official and special institutions. 

D.12. Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples


The graduates of the Gifted Education Program receive a master degree. Graduates may find jobs as research assistant in universities, as expert teachers in private schools, public schools, centers of gifted education and also they may be involved in various departments of the Ministry of National Education with the title of expert.

D.14. Profile of the Programme


Master Degree Program of Gifted Education is following the national curriculum which is in line with Turkish Council of Higher Education's Turkish Higher Education Competencies Framework. Moreover, based on their academic and professional interests, the students of the program can choose between numerous electives from both the Elementary Education Department and other departments within the university.

D.15. Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading


Evaluation and assessment methods for each course prepared by faculty members and information about the package in the Evaluation Criteria statements are described in detail. Exams and course notes, in relation to the success of Hacettepe University for Graduate Education and Examination Regulations shall apply. More detailed information can be accessed link.

D.16. Graduation Requirements


In order to ensure graduation requirements, the students are required to take at least 60 ECTS credits of courses with ÖYE code, seminar course and to complete thesis.

D.18. Programme Director


Program Başkanı: Prof. Dr. Selda ÖZDEMİR

Adres: Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Özel Eğitim Bölümü 

Beytepe / Ankara / Türkiye

Tel:     +090 (312) 297 63 15

Fax:    +090 (312) 780 63 14
