Second Cycle Programmes
(Master's Degree)

D.1. General Information about Program


Divison of Theatre Main Art-Theatre, Master of Fine Arts Programme is constructed with the title of  ?Theatre Master Degree Programme? under  Hacettepe University-Graduate School of Social Sciences in 1989. The programme is affiliated to Hacettepe University- Graduate School of Fine Arts in the Autumn of  2012.

Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Programme is followed by the Doctor of Fine Arts Degree Programme in Theatre. In this programme, it is aimed to train artists and academians with advanced level of theoretical, practical and intellectual knowledge of theatre art with an emphasis on the practice of performance/acting. The graduates are expected to work in university departments, institutions, major theatre companies etc. that provides theatre education and contribute to the accumulation of the social, artistic and intellectual environment of the country.

The program language is one hundred percent Turkish. The duration of the master's program with thesis, except for the time spent in scientific preparation and/or foreign language preparation, registration for each semester, starting from the semester in which the courses related to the program in which the student is enrolled are given.

Regardless of whether it is done or not, it is four semesters, and the program is completed in a maximum of six semesters.

D.2 Qualification Awarded


Master's Degree

D.3. Level of Qualification



D.4. Provisions for Registration


Candidates to the graduate programs are required to submit a complete application and those who have the necessary qualifications or criteria for admission to the Divison of Theatre Main Art-Theatre Master of Fine Arts Programme must have a written and oral examination including audition/interview in front of a jury and pass those exams with success. 

? The requirements are to have received at least 50 points from YDS, e-YDS or YÖKDİL, or to have received a score equivalent to this score from one of the other national or international language exams whose validity is accepted by ÖSYM.

Candidates for Master of Art degree must be graduates of State?s Conservatory Acting Department and/or equivalent departments as (acting, playwriting, theories and history of theatre, dramaturgy, theatre directing, stage design etc.) and hold a B.A. or M.A. in the related fields.  

The acceptance exam is a two-step selection process including a written and an oral examination. The written exam evaluate the basic accumulation of knowledge for the related field. Candidates who pass the written exam gain the right to apply for the oral exam including audition. 

The applicants are to submit a file with 4 copies including personal and artistic backgrounds (CV) to the Directory of the Division of Theatre Main Art, 7 DAYS before they take the entrance exams. 

The applicants are given a theatre play determined by the exam to practise in front of the exam jury 3 days before the oral exam. The applicant designates his own directing approach to the play and prepares a stage design model and defends it in front of the jury.

The applicant students who are graduated from different departments than theatre must take Acting I, II and Acting Styles Courses as a prerequiste for scentific/artistic academic preparatory courses from the Divison of Theatre Main Art- Acting Department and following their pass with success from these courses, they can start their post graduate education.

For the Recognition of prior education, Hacettepe University, Post Graduate Examination Regulations are applicable.,hulisansustuogrvesinavyonetmelik231112.pdf?0

For international students, Hacettepe University, international  student guidelines& rules are applicable

Applicants to Master?s Degree Programme are requried to submit at least 50 test score in the Inter-university Foreign Language Examination (Üniversitelerarası Kurul Yabancı Dil Sınavı, YDS).  Selection Examination for Academic Personnel and Graduate Studies (Akademik Personel ve Lisansüstü Eğitimi Giriş Sınavı, ALES) score is not required.

D.5. Qualification Requirements and Regulations


In order to graduate from this programme, student shall at least get 27 National Credits except for the common REQUISITE courses and and a total of 120 ECTS credits. The students who complete the Courses, graduation play and thesis defence with success could graduate from the programme.

D.6. Specific Arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning


For the Recognition of prior education, Hacettepe University, Post Graduate Examination Regulations are applicable.



D.7. Goals and Objectives


Hacettepe University, Ankara State Conservatory, Divison of Theatre, has trained a large number of artists until today and it is the feeding source for many establishments of arts in our country. Ankara State Conservatory is proud of contributing to the socio-cultural and artistic values of Turkish society by means of activities of art and scientific research. In the Theatre Directing Master of Arts Degree Programme aims to train national and international acting education programmes are closely followed; interdisciplinary relations with other arts and science branches are regarded with great emphasis. The department aims to train well qualified, creative and professional theatre directors equipped with well-grounded knowledge of arts and culture within the academic and ethics standarts of theatre art.

D.12. Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples


Graduates of Performing Arts Department-Division of Theatre-Theatre Directing find employment opportunities as professional directors or experts in theatre, cinema and performing arts business. They could work in the State's Theatre, City Theatres and/or important private theatre companies in Turkey. They could also work in cinema and TV productions, advertising business and/or acting coaches in acting agencies.

They could also take place in foreign theatre companies and/or workshops, institutions etc. so as to develop themselves in their professional lives. The graduate students could work as academians in the universities or they could have work as drama teachers at private or governmental schools after having a pedagogical formation. They could also work as radiophonic directors in the State's or private radio channels after an apprenticeship period.

Examples: The State's Theatre, private theatre companies, Municipality-City Theatres, TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Association), State Conservatories, Theatre Departments.

D.13. Access to Further Studies



D.14. Profile of the Programme


The two year master of arts programme is composed of four semesters.

The first two semesters are for the courses and the rest two are for writing master's degree thesis. The students are obliged to perform a play before a jury and audiencies appliciable to Hacettepe University Ankara State's Conservatory-Theatre Main Art regulations after completing their thesis writing and defend their thesis report in an oral examination before a jury.

The courses are opened for each semester. The students are trained with advanced theoretical knowledge of their fields of study and make practices. In the third and fourth semesters, thesis writing and exercises for staging examination is continued under the title of Special Topics.

84 Credits of the TOTAL 120 ECTS CREDITS includes REQUISTE COURSES and the rest 36 CREDITS should be of the ELECTIVE COURSES. The students must have at least 14 National Credits to complete the required credits of 27 National Credits.

The ELECTIVE COURSES of the National CREDITS is 22, and the total of ECTS CREDITS is 46.

D.15. Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading


For each of the courses, the evaluation, assesment and grading methods are defined under the ?Assesement Methods? article in the ?Courses Information Package? by each of the course instructor/s. For the examinations and passing grades, the related articles in Post Graduate Examination Regulations are applicable.

D.16. Graduation Requirements


In order to graduate from this programme, besides the articles defined  in Hacettepe University, Post Graduate Examination Regulations, the student shall at least get 27 National Credits except for the common REQUISITE courses and and a total of 120 ECTS credits. The students who complete and pass the Courses, perform a graduation play with the jury open to audiences and complete thesis defence with success could graduate from this programme.


D.17. Education Type


1. Full Time Education

D.18. Programme Director


Prof. Dr. Onur ÖZMEN (Division of Theatre)

For other academic staff teaching: