Third Cycle Programmes
(Doctorate Degree/Doctor of Fine Arts)

D.1. General Information about Program


Genetics is a branch of science that is at the center of research carried out in many different fields of medicine and other life sciences and the scientific developments and progress provided in this way. In particular, with the completion of the Human Genome Project, great progress has been made in elucidating the genetic basis of diseases, diagnosis, treatment and prevention methods. Genetic mechanisms and the methods used constitute an important area of research in biological systems and it is quite predictable that this type of research will increase exponentially in the near future towards a better understanding of human health and disease.

The aims and scope of doctorate program in genetics are; 1) to raise scientists who will study in the field of genetics; 2) to increase existing knowledge on genetic diseases and genetic basis of disease; and 3) to raise scientists who are able to independently design and manage research to increase the current knowledge about the genetic diseases and the genetic basis of diseases and to plan future studies on developing new methods of investigation, which will guide them in presenting the relevant and required information to those in need of the available knowledge and to develop the educational infrastructure needed in these subjects. 

Hacettepe University Child Health Institute was established on 8 July 1958 under the law numbered 4936 and subsequently, numbered 892, under Ankara University. The founder of Hacettepe University Child Health Institute, Prof. Dr. İhsan Doğramacı, was the Director of the Institute from its establishment until 1981. With the decision taken at the first meeting of the Institute Administrative Board (3.12.1982/82-1), Hacettepe's founder and Honorary Rector Prof. Dr. İhsan Doğramacı also became the Honorary Director of the Child Health Institute. Our Institute, which reached its current structuring with the Decree Law No. 41 in 1982, by realizing the aims of modern medicine and health education, which was in its foundation, still continues its activities. The Genetics Program has been operating under Child Health Institute since 1982.

The Genetic Doctorate program is carried out in a modern out-patient clinic jointly used with the Department of Pediatric Genetics of Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, and fully equipped cytogenetics, molecular cytogenetics and molecular genetics laboratories.

 The official language of education is Turkish. 

There is no mandatory internship required in the program.

The quota can vary from 0 to 4 people per year.

D.2 Qualification Awarded



D.3. Level of Qualification



D.4. Provisions for Registration


Being a medical doctor.

HU SBE graduate programme (http.//önetmelik.html)

To have ALES (SAY / EA) score type and ALES and Foreign Language base score determined by the Health Sciences Institute Board and approved by the Hacettepe University Senate

D.5. Qualification Requirements and Regulations


In order to graduate from the genetics doctorate program, the student, who was accepted to the program with the master's degree, must complete in total at least 240 ECTS; at least 21 credits and 90 ECTS's with at least seven courses, a seminar, PhD proposal and thesis work courses, except from Preparation To Doctoral Proficiency Exam course, during the PhD study.

Student who successfully completes courses and whose academic average is at least 3.00 can take the proficiency exam. Student, who is successful in the proficiency exam and whose thesis proposal is accepted, prepares the thesis under the supervision of the thesis monitoring committee. Student must write his/her results according to the Institute's thesis writing regulations, and present the thesis orally to the jury. The regulations determined by the Hacettepe University Graduate Education-Examination and Examination Regulations are applied on each stage of the program.

D.6. Specific Arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning


The graduate courses taken by a student from domestic / foreign higher education institutions in the last five years before enrolling in the institute, including the graduate courses taken as a special student, can be transferred to the program where the student is enrolled, with the opinion of the advisor, the recommendation of the department / department board and the decision of the institute board of directors. However, more than 2/3 of the total credit amount in the program a student enrolled in is not taken into account in the transfer of the credits of graduate courses taken as a special student.

D.7. Goals and Objectives


This program raises doctors who

  • improves current existing knowledge on genetic diseases and genetic basis of disease via research based on unique mind,
  • independently plans, manages and shares unique research studies to improve and to serve new methods and available knowledge to those in need,
  • improves the educational background in the field,
  • competes in the field of genetics in national and international grounds.

D.12. Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples


Graduates of this program may work in foundations performing research in the field of genetics and in institutions of undergraduate / graduate teaching and education.

D.13. Access to Further Studies


D.14. Profile of the Programme


Doctorate program on genetics covers at least 8 semesters in 4 academic years. Students should perform activites of 30 ECTS in each semester.

The program consists of at least 240 ECTS credits, with a minimum of 30 ECTS courses in the first 4 semesters and a total of 120 ECTS credits in the last 4 semesters. Students have to complete compulsory courses in the first two years (four semesters). Required credits are provided from elective courses. Students who have completed at least 120 ECTS credits can take additional elective courses with the approval of their advisor.

D.15. Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading


The measurement and evaluation methods applied for each course are defined in the ?Course Teaching Plan?, which is prepared by the relevant faculty member and included in the course information package. The relevant articles of the Hacettepe University Graduate Education-Examination and Examination Regulations are applied for the exams and course grades (Government newspaper numbered 29900 and dated November 26th, 2016).

D.16. Graduation Requirements


In order to graduate, a student, who successfully completes all the requirements of the PhD program, must fulfill the relevant articles of the H.U. Graduate Education and Examination Regulations (Government newspaper numbered 29900 and dated November 26th, 2016)

Doctorate program consists of courses, proficiency exam, thesis proposal, thesis study and thesis. The relevant rules determined by Hacettepe University Graduate Education Regulation are applied for each stage of the program.

D.17. Education Type


1. Full Time Education

D.18. Programme Director


 Prof. Pelin Özlem Şimşek-Kiper, MD PhD

Chair of Genetics Program

Hacettepe University

Child Health Institute

06230, Altındağ, Ankara

Electronic mail address:

Phone: 0 312 305 1173 / 0 312 305 1175