Course Name Code Semester Theory
Credit ECTS
CANCER and SOCIAL WORK SOH616 1st Semester 3 0 3 6
Course languageTurkish
Course typeElective 
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-Face 
Learning and teaching strategiesLecture
Instructor (s)Tarık Tuncay, AssociateProfessor, PhD 
Course objectiveDevelopingknowledge of socialworkpracticeandresearch in thefield of psychosocialoncology 
Learning outcomes
  1. - Gaining knowledge about etiology, characteristics and medical treatment of cancer - Learning fundamental theoretical approaches, research and practices in psychosocial dimension of cancer and oncology social work - Effectively working in interdisciplinary oncology team by focusing patients and their families emotional care and support
  2. - Understanding the impacts of health inequalities and social and economic deprivations on the field of psychosocial oncology - Learning distinctive characteristics and psychosocial needs of pediatric patients, adult patients, families, elderly patients, society, caregivers and oncology workers in Oncology care field
  3. - Critical analysis of contemporary (national and international) psychosocial oncology literature - Enhancing definition, assessment, and therapeutic work capacity with cancer patients and their families who are facing with fear, anxiety, uncertainty, loss of control and other psychosocial problems
Course Content- Etiology, epidemiology and medical treatment methods of cancer
- Psychosocial problems of cancer patients
- Social work interventions for adult cancer patients and their families
- Social work interventions for children with cancer and their families
References1. Stearns, N. M. (1993). Oncology social work: a clinician'sguide: American Cancer Society.
2. Tuncay, T. (2009) Genç Kanser Hastalarının Hastalık Anlatılarının Güçlendirme Yaklaşımı Temelinde Analizi, Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, ss.52-123.
3. Tuncer, M. (Ed). (2009) Ulusal Kanser Programı (2009-2015), T.C. S.B. Kanserle Savaş Dairesi Başkanlığı, ss. 22-25.
4. Tuncer, M. (2007)?Kanserin Ülkemiz ve Dünyada Önemi, Hastalık Yükü ve Kanser Kontrol Politikaları?, Tuncer, M. (Ed), Türkiye?de Kanser Kontrolü, T.C. S.B. Kanserle Savaş Dairesi Başkanlığı, ss.5-8.
5. Kutluk, T., Kars, A. (1992) Kanser Konusunda Genel Bilgiler, T.C. S.B. Kanserle Savaş Dairesi Başkanlığı, ss.14-49.
6. Kutluk, T. (2007)?Çocukluk Çağı Kanserleri Epidemiyolojisi?, Tuncer, M. (Ed), Türkiye?de Kanser Kontrolü, T.C. S.B. Kanserle SavaÅŸ Dairesi BaÅŸkanlığı, ss.161-170. 

Course outline weekly

Week 1General introduction to the course and the orientation of the students
Week 2Etiology, epidemiology and medical treatment methods of cancer
Week 3Living with cancer
Week 4Psychosocial problems of cancer patients
Week 5Reactions of patients and their families to cancer and related variables
Week 6Midterm Exam
Week 7Psyhosocial tasks of patients according to cancer experience
Week 8Social work interventions for adult cancer patients and their families
Week 9Psyhosocial needs of children of cancer patients
Week 10Epidemiology of childhood cancers and medical treatment methods
Week 11Midterm Exam
Week 12Family dimension in childhood cancers
Week 13Social work interventions for children with cancer and their families
Week 14Presentations of students
Week 15Presentations of students
Week 16Final Exam

Assesment methods

Course activitiesNumberPercentage
Field activities00
Specific practical training00
Final exam160
Percentage of semester activities contributing grade succes040
Percentage of final exam contributing grade succes060


Activities Number Duration (hour) Total Work Load
Course Duration (x14) 14 3 42
Laboratory 0 0 0
Specific practical training000
Field activities000
Study Hours Out of Class (Preliminary work, reinforcement, ect)14570
Presentation / Seminar Preparation000
Homework assignment000
Midterms (Study duration)12828
Final Exam (Study duration) 14040
Total Workload3076180

Matrix Of The Course Learning Outcomes Versus Program Outcomes

D.9. Key Learning OutcomesContrubition level*

*1 Lowest, 2 Low, 3 Average, 4 High, 5 Highest