Course Name Code Semester Theory
Credit ECTS
SPECIAL TOPICS ETB600-02 4th Semester 4 0 0 30
Prequisites60 ECTS credits lectures must be accomplished, Proposal of Post Graduate thesis must be accepted, Ethics committee approval must be taken (if necessary).
Course languageTurkish
Course typeMust 
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-Face 
Learning and teaching strategiesLecture
Preparing and/or Presenting Reports
Instructor (s)Departments faculty members. 
Course objectivePerform the Post Graduate thesis according to scientific principles. 
Learning outcomes
  1. Student will gain the properties below, - be able to search literature about thesis subject, - be able to arrange information from literature, - be able to plan and perform experimental protocols, - be able to set up and use experimental apparatus, - be able to apply and modify traditional experimental methods for thesis research, - collecting experimental data and assessment, - analyzing the experimental data, - reporting the research and defence it.
Course Content1. Determination of thesis subject,
2. Literature survey about thesis subject,
3. Planning the research in detail,
4. Planning experimental part,
5. Performing experiments and the required analysis,
6. Collecting experimental data and assessment,
7. Reporting the results.
ReferencesLiterature and books.

Course outline weekly

Week 1Experimental part,
Week 2Experimental part,
Week 3Experimental part,
Week 4Experimental part,
Week 5Experimental part,
Week 6Experimental part,
Week 7Experimental part,
Week 8Experimental part,
Week 9Experimental part,
Week 10Experimental part,
Week 11Experimental part,
Week 12Collecting experimental data and assessment,
Week 13Collecting experimental data and assessment,
Week 14Reporting the research results,
Week 15Reporting the research results,
Week 16Thesis defence

Assesment methods

Course activitiesNumberPercentage
Field activities00
Specific practical training00
Final exam00
Percentage of semester activities contributing grade succes28100
Percentage of final exam contributing grade succes00


Activities Number Duration (hour) Total Work Load
Course Duration (x14) 14 4 56
Laboratory 10 20 200
Specific practical training000
Field activities000
Study Hours Out of Class (Preliminary work, reinforcement, ect)1435490
Presentation / Seminar Preparation1411154
Homework assignment000
Midterms (Study duration)000
Final Exam (Study duration) 000
Total Workload5270900

Matrix Of The Course Learning Outcomes Versus Program Outcomes

D.9. Key Learning OutcomesContrubition level*
1. Learns the basic principles of modern chemistry and gain the ability to use this information theoretically and practically by integrating with other disciplines in the field of health.    X
2. Comprehends the advanced information in biomaterials science in the range of nano to macro, uses this information theoretically and practically in the field of health.   X 
3. Comprehends information about structure, property and regulations of medical devices.  X  
4. Uses the polymer science knowledge to conduct interdisciplinary health research.   X 
5. Applies the basic principles of the development of drug precursor molecules and synthesis strategies.   X 
6. Understands the three-dimensional structures of organic compounds, establish structure-activity relationship on molecular basis.   X 
7. Understands methods in target molecule synthesis and uses these methods in biotransformation of organic molecules.  X  
8. Understands the basic reaction mechanisms in advanced chemistry and evaluates reactions occurring in biological systems.  X  
9. Makes research above the bachelors level, uses experimental methods and evaluates the results.    X
10. Participates projects, takes responsibility, and shares the information.    X
11. Gains ability to work with different disciplines.    X
12. Uses information technologies and course materials effectively in teaching-learning process.    X
13. Makes researches for good of society and national ethics.     X

*1 Lowest, 2 Low, 3 Average, 4 High, 5 Highest