D.9. Key Learning Outcomes

1. Put in the connection the problems of their profession with human rights, on the ground of the competences acquired during their undergraduate education and human rights education.

2. Find solutions for the problems they have to face, in the light of human rights

3. Become able to apply the theoretical and practical knowledge they acquired on human rights

4. Find solutions to the complicate problems they have to tackle while exercising their profession, aware of their responsibility and taking as starting point human rights

5. Put in connection current problems with the knowledge they acquired on human rights and transmit this knowledge and relevant developments in this area to their colleagues and other groups orally or in writing and by using audio-visual material.

6. Evaluate social problems in the light of their professional knowledge and skills acquired in human rights and, if necessary, try to guide them.

7. Take into account ethical values while they evaluate information related to their qualification in their expertise area.

8. Base all kinds of studies and research on ethical and human rights knowledge

9. Define the educational needs of those who work under their supervision in the light of their human rights professional knowledge and guide their learning activities.

10. Use their theoretical and practical knowledge on human rights in education, in teaching and in social services

11. Use their professional knowledge in order to develop sensibility to human rights in those around him or her.