Third Cycle Programmes
(Doctorate Degree/Doctor of Fine Arts)

D.1. General Information about Program


The Department was founded by the Late Professor İ. Ercümend KURAN in 1971.

 Educational activities are carried out through three programmes: the master?s and doctorate launched in 1972-73, and the undergraduate launched in 1976-77.

D.2 Qualification Awarded



D.3. Level of Qualification



D.4. Provisions for Registration


1. Applicants who apply to the program must have completed a four-year Bachelor's Degree with an average of at least 3.00 over 4.00 (four).

2. Applicants are required to score at least 60 standard points from either one of the verbal or equal weight categories of the Academic Staff and Graduate Education Examination (Akademik Personel ve Lisansüstü Eğitimine Giriş Sınavı, ALES) organized by Measurement, Selection and Placement Center (Ölçme, Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi, ÖSYM). Alternatively, applicants are required to submit an equivalent score, determined by the Hacettepe University Senate, in the internationally recognized GRE and GMAT examinations.

3. Applicants are required to score at least 60 in the Foreign Knowledge in Foreign Language Placement Examination (Yabancı Dil Seviye Tespit Sınavı, YDS). Alternatively, applicants are required to submit an equivalent score from other foreign language examinations, held at the national or international level, whose equivalence is approved by ÖSYM.

4. International students' applications are accepted in line within ?Hacettepe University Graduate Programme and Exam Regulation" in Official Gazette (29 November 2016, No:29900).

5. Those conditions, which are not included below, are applied in accordance with the related provisions of the Hacettepe University Graduate Education, Instruction and Examination Regulations (Hacettepe Üniversitesi Lisansüst Eğitim, Öğretim ve Sınav Yönetmeliği).

D.5. Qualification Requirements and Regulations


In order to acquire the doctor of philosophy degree in the field of History, the student must complete 240 ECTS successfully. And also the student must complete  the doctorate thesis successfully.

D.6. Specific Arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning


The criteria set for acceptance for masters studies apply with some modification for acceptance to doctoral studies in the Department. In addition to the students with M.A. degrees in History, those holding M.A. degrees in other fields of humanities and social sciences can apply for the post-graduate programs. Candidates should fulfil the requirements set by the Institute with regard to ALES and Foreign Language exams.

D.7. Goals and Objectives


From the beginning, the department has adopted an interdisciplinary approach in both teaching and research and as such has set the example for many of the other history departments established in the country. As far as teaching is concerned, the main objective of the department is to create for its students the kind of academic and intellectual environment in which they can acquire the best possible professional knowledge in theoretical and empirical issues and experience in historical research. In the case of research, the department aims at making the maximum contribution to the advancement of science, and to the social and economic development of the country.

D.12. Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples


Until 2000s most of the graduates used to become techers. The rest were empolyed in various other sectors inluding academia. Later on, only those who could obtain teaching certifcate were empolyed in teaching positions. There are also those who works in private schools. Institions such as the state and private archives and the units attached to the Ministry and Culture and Turizm are among the potential empolyers. Latest trend concerning the employment of our graduates involves positions in internal security, military, jounalism and other private sector postions using and/or depending heavly on social science data.

D.13. Access to Further Studies


D.14. Profile of the Programme


The curriculum for doctoral studies consists of elective courses and the students are required to acquire a total of 24 credits with an average score of 3.0 (out of 4) within the first two years of their studies. With the approval of their supervisors and the head of Department, the students can take some of the elective courses from other departments.  Those who fail to complete their course work in two years are dismissed immediately. Upon completion of their course work, the students are required to take a doctoral proficiency exam assessing the level of their performance in historical theory, research methods and the theoretical and empirical issues related to the topic of their intended doctoral research. Successful students are initially granted a two-year period to produce their theses based on original research and making a genuine contribution either to the advancement of science or to formulation of a social policy that may help to cope with a significant social problem. At the end of each term, a doctoral review committee consisting of the supervisor and two other members oversees the progress that the student is making and may grant the satisfactory student an extra two years to complete his/her work. The thesis produced by the student must be defended by himself/herself before a jury whose decision rests on majority vote.

D.15. Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading


For each course, assessment and grading techniques have been defined in the ?Course Plan? within the Information Set prepared by the related lecturer(s). Related items of Hacettepe University's Regulations on Undergraduate Education and Examination are applied for the examinations and grading.


D.16. Graduation Requirements


In order to acquire the doctor of philosophy degree in the field of History, the student must complete 240 ECTS successfully. And also the student must complete  the doctorate thesis successfully.

D.17. Education Type


1. Full Time Education

D.18. Programme Director


Programme DirectorProf. Dr. Mehmet Öz
Tel:+90 (312) 297 81 75
Fax:+90 (312) 299 20 10
Address:Hacettepe University Faculty of Letters, 06800 Beytepe/ANKARA