Second Cycle Programmes
(Master's Degree)

D.1. General Information about Program


The program language is Turkish. Courses will be conducted over the Internet using online and/or offline distance education techniques within the framework of the relevant legislation. Only final exams and make-up exams of students will be held under supervision, live in the department. Application dates for the program will be announced as Fall and Spring Semesters on the Hacettepe University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering Web Page. The program will be carried out through the website of Hacettepe University Distance Education Application and Research Center https://blackboard.hacettepe.edu.tr.

D.2 Qualification Awarded


Non-thesis Master's Degree

D.3. Level of Qualification



D.4. Provisions for Registration


Having a 4-year undergraduate degree from the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture or Technology of universities.

To have a certificate of recognition from the Council of Higher Education for foreign nationals who are abroad and graduated from an institution recognized by the Council of Higher Education.

Foreign Language and ALES scores are not required for applications to distance education non-thesis master's programs.

The documents required for registration will be announced on the Hacettepe University, Department of Civil Engineering Web Page (http://www.ce.hacettepe.edu.tr/), and the candidates who are successful in the program will be informed by e-mail for final registration.

The only prerequisite for distance education non-thesis master's degree applications is a bachelor's degree from the departments mentioned above.

D.5. Qualification Requirements and Regulations


The Distance Education Non-Thesis Master's Program lasts three semesters. The program consists of a total of ten courses consisting of four compulsory and six elective courses, providing a total of 30 credits (90 ECTS) for students with a bachelor's degree, and a term project course in addition to these courses. A non-thesis master's degree is awarded to the student who successfully completes the credit courses and the term project.

D.6. Specific Arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning


It is possible for successful students who have received an equivalent education at another higher education institution at home or abroad and completed at least one semester to make a horizontal transfer or to have equivalent courses in this program previously taken at different higher education institutions be recognized. In order for applications to be accepted, there must be graduate student quotas in the department, the student must have met the student admission conditions of the graduate program to which he/she wants to transfer, and must have been successful in each of the courses he/she has taken by studying for at least one semester. Horizontal transfer and course recognition are discussed and accepted by the Academic Board of the Department of Civil Engineering of Graduate School of Science and Engineering and are finalized by the decision of the Institute's board of directors.

D.7. Goals and Objectives


The program, legislation in the fields of environment and all kinds of construction, progress payment and cost calculations, sustainability, occupational health and safety, project preparation and management, construction inspection, construction techniques and law, urban regulations, geographical systems, disaster management, urban transformation, buildings. It is a sub-branch of Civil Engineering that provides up-to-date education and training needed by engineers, architects and technical personnel on many subjects such as damage assessment and performance analysis, restoration, transportation systems, geotechnical applications and laboratory tests, and public regulations. The program will be conducted in Turkish.

D.12. Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples


Students graduating from this program will be engineers, architects and technical personnel who are experts in their fields. Graduates who can work in private companies and the public sector in the field of construction works in Turkey will meet the need for trained expert personnel, especially in the construction departments of institutions such as the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, State Hydraulic Works, TCDD, General Directorate of Highways, AFAD, municipalities and local government units.

D.13. Access to Further Studies



D.14. Profile of the Programme


The program is a 3-semester program. The program includes compulsory and elective courses, each with 3 credits and 6 ECTS. At least 90 ECTS is required to complete the program. 1 ECTS corresponds to 30 hours of student workload.

Students will take two compulsory and three elective courses in the first and second semesters and take a term project in the third semester, completing a total of 90 ECTS credits. Elective courses within the program are divided into the first two semesters so that the student can focus on the field of study in which he wants to specialize.

D.15. Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading


The measurement and evaluation methods applied for each course are defined in the Course Teaching Plan prepared by the relevant faculty members and available in the course information packages. Regarding exams and course success grades, the relevant articles of Hacettepe University Graduate Education and Examination Regulations are applied.

D.16. Graduation Requirements


For graduation, students must take at least 30 national credit courses and a term project and be successful in all of these courses. According to the European Credit Transfer System, students must take and successfully complete a total of 90 ECTS credits of courses, including a term project. Students who successfully complete the courses and credits specified in the curriculum in the first two semesters must take the Term Project course in the third semester. The student must enroll in the term project course in the semester in which it is taken and submit a written project and/or report at the end of the semester. Students who meet these requirements can graduate from the program.

D.17. Education Type


Distance Education

D.18. Programme Director


Prof.Dr.Berna Unutma, Head of the Department

e-mail: berna.unutmaz@hacettepe.edu.tr