Third Cycle Programmes
(Doctorate Degree/Doctor of Fine Arts)

D.1. General Information about Program


Doctoral program in nursing at Hacettepe University started in 1972 within the Faculty of Postgraduate Education. Obstetric and Women's Disease Nursing Doctorate Program started in 1998 within Institute of Health Sciences Graduate Program. 2 professor, 2 associate professors and 1 assistant professors conduct the program.

D.2 Qualification Awarded



D.3. Level of Qualification



D.4. Provisions for Registration


To be graduated from Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Master's program or Nursing Master's program. Students who graduate from the Nursing Master's program are given a scientific preparation course.

To have ALES (SAY / EA) score type and ALES and Foreign Language base score determined by the Health Sciences Institute Board and approved by the Hacettepe University Senate http://www.saglikbilimleri.hacettepe.edu.tr/en/menu/ales_foreign_language_scores-252

To meet the application requirements of Hacettepe University Graduate Education and Examination Regulations and Institute of Health Sciences. http://www.saglikbilimleri.hacettepe.edu.tr/tr/menu/kanun_ve_yonetmelikler-219

D.5. Qualification Requirements and Regulations


The program has 240 ECTS credits in total. Students are expected to complete the credit in 8 semesters (4 years).  Courses from other universities can be selected with recommendation of advisor and head of department of concerned Institute and approval of the Institute Executive Board. Students take the proficiency exam upon successful completion of courses. If students pass the preliminary exam he/she will present the thesis proposal to the committee. Students have to write the results regarding with their thesis according to the concerned institute?s guideline and defend it orally in front of the committee members. After completion of thesis defense examination an absolute majority of committee members will decide whether the thesis is accepted, rejected or accepted pending revision. Students who need to correct their thesis have to complete the corrections within three months and defend their thesis in front of the same committee members. 

D.6. Specific Arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning


Hacettepe University Graduate Education and Examination Regulation


D.7. Goals and Objectives


This program provide the student reaching to the new information about preventing and solving the problems related to women's health nursing area, researching,discussing and interpreting these with the scientific aspect, gaining abilities on making new synthesis up with these interpreted information and conducting new scientific studies which willl generate new solution ways for these issues and publishing that studies

D.12. Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples



Graduate students' views about the Hacettepe University Institute of Health Sciences Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing PhD Program:

Graduate students stated that they have adequate knowledge about the field, have educational features, leadership skills and self confidence. They indicated that they have the ability to analysis and synthesis and adequate facility, plan and implement the patient care basing on theoretical knowledge, act in accordance with nursing and research ethics principles, plan a research regarding with the field, report the research and prepare the research for publication, recognize the current health problems, participate in activities related to the development of the profession, make contribution to the professional knowledge base, conduct team work, communicate effectively, build strong corporate relationship, solve the problem, decide quickly, produce strategic solutions for the problems. They also stated that they know the health legislation and they are sensitive to the women's health and general health problems and the professional problems.

Our graduates as opposed to other graduates from other universities stated that they have received high quality education which broadens their horizons. They indicated that they have a good library facility, they have improved their ability to search the literature, they have the ability to synthesize and abstract the knowledge, they gained the presentation skills, they have critical thinking ability, their level of self confidence is high, they could see good role models and they had good opportunities to attend to scientific meetings.

D.13. Access to Further Studies


D.14. Profile of the Programme


Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing PhD Program includes 5 compulsory and 8 elective courses. There is also 1 compulsory and 1 elective practical course. Students can take compulsory and elective courses from other programs. Program is completed in 8 terms. The first 3 semester consist of lecture classes; fourth semester involves preparation for preliminary examination; fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth semester involve thesis study. 

D.15. Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading


The Regulation for Graduate Education and Examination of Hacettepe University is taken as a basis for evaluation and grading examination http://www.saglikbilimleri.hacettepe.edu.tr/tr/menu/kanun_ve_yonetmelikler-219

D.16. Graduation Requirements


The program has 240 ECTS credits in total. Students who completed the requirements of the graduate program successfully mentioned in D5 section must prepare a dissertation in the field of Obstetric and Women?s Diseases Nursing under the guidance of his/her advisor and present it orally in front of the thesis committee members in order to graduate. After the completion of dissertation defense examination an absolute majority of committee members will decide whether the thesis is accepted, rejected or accepted pending revision. Students who need to correct their dissertation have to complete the corrections within three months and defend their thesis in front of the same committee members. Hacettepe University Graduate Education and Examination Regulations are taken as basis. https://saglikbilimleri.hacettepe.edu.tr//tr/hacettepe_universitesi_lisansustu_egitimogretim_ve-511???????

D.17. Education Type


1. Full Time Education

D.18. Programme Director


Doç. Dr. Gulten KOC

Phone: +90 312 305 1580/148

Fax: +90 312 3127085

E-mail: gultenko@hacettepe.edu.tr