Course Name Code Semester Theory
Credit ECTS
MEDICAL ETHICS TET725 2nd Semester 3 2 4 7
Course languageTurkish
Course typeMust 
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-Face 
Learning and teaching strategiesLecture
Question and Answer
Preparing and/or Presenting Reports
Case Study
Instructor (s)Prof. Dr. Nüket Örnek Büken, Assos Prof. Önder Ä°lgili, Assis Prof Dr. Müge Demir 
Course objectiveIntroduce the basic concepts principles and values of medical ethics; give students awareness on the ethical issues arising from the physician-patient communication and give the person on the path to be followed about "ethical justification".  
Learning outcomes
  1. 1. Define the basic concepts of medical ethics, determinants of good physician-patient communication, and act appropriately in professional practices
  2. 2. Know the basic principles and theories of biomedical ethics. Use the four basic principles of biomedical ethics
  3. 3. Define the medical paternalism, informed consent process in the diagnosis and treatment.
  4. 4. Recognize value conflicts in physician-patient relationship, know historical bases and exceptions of patient privacy and confidentiality and appreciate the importance of these rules
  5. 5. Define the international ethical and legal regulations about medical ethics, patients' rights, and legal responsibility of the physician.
Course ContentThe physician-patient relationship, determinants of this relationship, the resulting value problems in the relationship / ethical dilemmas and their resolution, the process of informed consent requirements in diagnosis and treatment, medical paternalism, confidentiality, risk / benefit assessment, allocations of limited sources, physician's ethical responsibility and patient's rights. 
References? Arras JD, Steinbock B. "Ethical Issues in Modern medicine" 2008.
? Aydın E. "Tıp Etiği" Güneş Kitabevi 2006.
? Aydın E. "Tıp Etiğine Giriş" Pegem yayınevi 2001
? Beauchamp TL, Childress JF. "Principles of Biomedical Ethics" 2001.
? Buken NO ?The Health System, Health Policies and Health Transformation Program in Turkey?, Medicine and Law, Volume: 28, Number: 1, page: 23-47, March 2009. 

Course outline weekly

Week 1Introductory meeting, sharing aim, expectations and resources -Concepts of biomedical ethics, ethics theories
Week 2Physician attitudes in the face of ethical dilemmas, ethical theories, principles, arguments and codes for ethical justification
Week 3Principlist approach in medical ethics
Week 4Principlism versus caustics, clinical ethical decision-making models, four quadrants model of decision-making
Week 5Physician-patient communication models in history Application: discussion of clinical ethics cases
Week 6Informed consent in diagnosis and treatment process- Medical paternalism in physician-patient relationship Application: discussion of clinical ethics cases
Week 7Privacy, confidentiality concepts and practices in medical ethics Application: discussion of clinical ethics cases
Week 8Truth-telling and delivering bad news Application: discussion of clinical ethics cases
Week 9Ethical aspects of physician-patient relationship, ethical issues at the beginning of life Application: discussion of clinical ethics cases
Week 10Ethical aspects of physician-patient relationship, ethical issues at the end-of-life Application: discussion of clinical ethics case
Week 11Ethics and legal issues of organ and tissue transplantation Application: discussion of clinical ethics cases
Week 12Clinical ethics consultations, hospital/clinical ethics committees Application: discussion of clinical ethics cases
Week 13National and international declarations in medical ethics, declarations of World Medical Association and Turkish Medical Association
Week 14Responsibility of physician concept and related legal regulations
Week 15Assignment presentations
Week 16Final exam

Assesment methods

Course activitiesNumberPercentage
Field activities00
Specific practical training00
Final exam130
Percentage of semester activities contributing grade succes040
Percentage of final exam contributing grade succes060


Activities Number Duration (hour) Total Work Load
Course Duration (x14) 14 3 42
Laboratory 0 0 0
Specific practical training000
Field activities000
Study Hours Out of Class (Preliminary work, reinforcement, ect)14342
Presentation / Seminar Preparation13636
Homework assignment11515
Midterms (Study duration)000
Final Exam (Study duration) 14949
Total Workload44108210

Matrix Of The Course Learning Outcomes Versus Program Outcomes

D.9. Key Learning OutcomesContrubition level*
1. Proficient in evaluating the ethical/value issues arising from new technologies in biomedicine.    X
2. Understand how to resolve ethical dilemmas and develop solutions for conflicts with an awareness of society and environment.    X
3. Establish and lead a bioethics committee complying with its requirements.   X  
4. Provide ethical consultation on bioethics and biomedicine.   X 
5. Use a systematic and critical approach to evaluate and develop ethical and legal documents as well as policies for institutions and governments.   X  
6. Finalize the research and publication process of national-international projects in biomedical ethics.   X  
7. Consider national values and dynamics of the country as well as gender equality in developing policies, ethical guidelines, national and international ethical and legal regulations about biomedical ethics.   X  
8. Play an active role and lead in national and international ethics committees and commissions.  X   
9. Manage education programmes including medical ethics, and history of medicine for undergraduates, postgraduates and for society as needed. X   
10. Evaluate fundamental thoughts and philosophical approaches underlying the development of medical profession within the evolutionary process in history.  X   
11. Examine historical event causes and their past-future links by distinguishing background from figure. X   
13. Share his/her knowledge at national, international educational and scientific meetings orally and written, effectively and systematically.     X

*1 Lowest, 2 Low, 3 Average, 4 High, 5 Highest