Course Name Code Semester Theory
Credit ECTS
Course languageTurkish
Course typeElective 
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-Face 
Learning and teaching strategiesLecture
Question and Answer
Instructor (s)Dr. Gülhan YAMAN KAHVECÄ° 
Course objectiveTo inform students on labor migration from Turkey to abroad since 1950s, migrations via family reunification, socio and economic conditions of countries where Turks inhabit, their interactions with the host countries and the problems they face with there. 
Learning outcomes
  1. At the end of this course, students
  2. -know the reasons why Turkish labor migration happens,
  3. -are familiar with the basic problems Turkish laborers encounter in the host country and come up with the solutions for them,
  4. -propose suggestions for Turks to maintain their cultural existence in the host countries,
  5. -are aware of the impact of the society on social and cultural lives of Turks,
  6. -are familiar with in which domains generally Turks work,
  7. -know and explain the politics (becoming a citizen, dual nationality, right to elect and be elected, family reunification, mother tongue) of the host country towards Turks.
Course Content-International migration
-Labor migration from Turkey to abroad
-Turks in Europe
-Cultural integration
-Culture shock
-The politics of the host countries towards Turks and foreigners
-Cultural, political and economic status of Turks in the host countries
-Basic problems of Turks who migrated due to the reason for labor migration or family reunification 
ReferencesAdıgüzel, Y. (2018). Göç Sosyolojisi (2. bs.). İstanbul: Nobel Akademik Yay.
Akgündüz, A. (2007). Labour Migration from Turkey to Western Europe, 1960-1974 A Multidisciplinary Analysis. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Pres.
Abadan-Unat, N. (1975). Akdeniz Ülkelerinden Yurt Dışına İşgöçü. Göç ve Gelişme: Uluslararası İşçi göçünün Boğazlıyan İlçesindeki Etkileri Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Der. Nermin Abadan Unat, Ruşen Keleş, Rinus Penninx, Herman Van Renselaar, Leo Van Velzen ve Leyla Yenisey, Ankara: Ajans Türk Matbaacılık Sanayi.
Abadan-Unat, N. (2006). Bitmeyen Göç: Konuk İşçilikten Ulus-Ötesi Yurttaşlığa (2. bs.). İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
Abadan-Unat, N. (2011). Turks in Europe: From Guest Worker to Transnational Citizen (C. Campion, Çev.). New York: Berghahn Books.
Canatan, K. (1990). Göçmenlerin Kimlik Arayışı Konuk İşçilikten Yerleşik Göçmenliğe. İstanbul: Endülüs Yayınları.
Castles, S. ve Mark J. M. (2008). Göçler Çağı, Modern Dünyada Uluslararası Göç Hareketleri. İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yay.
Gelekçi, C. ve Köse, A. (2009). Misafir İşçilikten Etnik Azınlığa Belçikadaki Türkler. Ankara: Phoenix Yay.
Gitmez, A. (1983). Yurtdışına İşçi Göçü ve Geri Dönüşler: Beklentiler? Gerçekleşenler? İstanbul: Alan Yay.
Pilancı, H. (2009). Avrupa Ülkelerindeki Türklerin Türkçeyi Kullanma Ortamları, Sürdürebilme İmkânları ve Koruma Bilinçleri. Bilig Bahar (49): 35-58.
Şahin, B. (2010). Almanyadaki Türkler. Ankara: Phoenix Yay.
Şen, F. ve Koray, S. (1993). Türkiyeden Avrupa Topluluğuna Göç Hareketleri. Ankara: Elit Yay.
Yalçın, C. (2004). Göç Sosyolojisi. Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
Yurtdışı Göç Hareketleri ve VatandaÅŸ Sorunları (1973). Ankara: DışiÅŸleri Bakanlığı Ekonomik ve Sosyal Ä°ÅŸler Genel Müdürlüğü. 

Course outline weekly

Week 1Approaches to migration
Week 2International migration
Week 3The reasons for labor migration from Turkey to abroad and the process
Week 4The reasons to accept Turkish laborers for Europe countries
Week 5Cultural interactions of Turkish laborers with different cultures and nations
Week 6Cultural adaptation of Turks in the host country and cultural shock
Week 7Cultural, political and economic status of Turks in the host
Week 8The politics of the host countries towards Turks and foreigners.
Week 9The politics of the host countries towards Turks. in terms of becoming a citizen, dual nationality, right to elect and be elected, family reunification, mother tongue and education: A Germany context
Week 10The politics of the host countries towards Turks. in terms of becoming a citizen, dual nationality, right to elect and be elected, family reunification, mother tongue and education: A France context
Week 11The politics of the host countries towards Turks. in terms of becoming a citizen, dual nationality, right to elect and be elected, family reunification, mother tongue and education: The Netherlands and Switzerland contexts
Week 12The politics of the host countries towards Turks. in terms of becoming a citizen, dual nationality, right to elect and be elected, family reunification, mother tongue and education: Belgium and Austria contexts
Week 13The politics of the host countries towards Turks. in terms of becoming a citizen, dual nationality, right to elect and be elected, family reunification, mother tongue and education: Norway, Sweden and Denmark contexts
Week 14The politics of the host countries towards Turks. in terms of becoming a citizen, dual nationality, right to elect and be elected, family reunification, mother tongue and education: An Australia context
Week 15An overall evaluation on reciprocal influence between society and Turks
Week 16Final exam

Assesment methods

Course activitiesNumberPercentage
Field activities00
Specific practical training00
Final exam150
Percentage of semester activities contributing grade succes450
Percentage of final exam contributing grade succes150


Activities Number Duration (hour) Total Work Load
Course Duration (x14) 14 3 42
Laboratory 0 0 0
Specific practical training000
Field activities236
Study Hours Out of Class (Preliminary work, reinforcement, ect)6636
Presentation / Seminar Preparation2714
Homework assignment5630
Midterms (Study duration)13030
Final Exam (Study duration) 14040
Total Workload3499210

Matrix Of The Course Learning Outcomes Versus Program Outcomes

D.9. Key Learning OutcomesContrubition level*
1. Comprehend Turkish language, social structure, historical and cultural process in an interdisciplinary perspective, analytical and holistic approach.  X  
2. Use the research methods of history, linguistics and folklore in order to search the political, social and cultural features of Turkish speaking communities. X   
3. List Turkish speaking people and communities from past to present, explain socio-cultural structure of them and geography they live in.X    
4. Explain the importance of migration, geographical, technological condition in the changes of language, culture and social structure.    X
5. Comprehend the social structure of Turkish communities, the demographic, social problems caused by contact other civilizations.X    
6. Explains regional, global issues in socio-cultural fields, makes predictions about future in a holistic approach.  X  
7. Discusses the data for the reproduction of traditional and contemporary values of Turkish social structure that should be transferred to next generations.  X  
8. Reads and analyses at least one of the source languages of Turkish culture.X    
9. Evaluates social, economic, scientific and technological developments in a historical perspective as an expert. X   
10. Gains an analytic perspective, make self-criticism, presents thoughts scientifically.   X 
11. Be aware of cultural differences and show respect for them.   X 
12. Advance their education.    X

*1 Lowest, 2 Low, 3 Average, 4 High, 5 Highest