Course Name Code Semester Theory
Credit ECTS
Course languageTurkish
Course typeElective 
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-Face 
Learning and teaching strategiesLecture
Question and Answer
Preparing and/or Presenting Reports
Problem Solving
Brain Storming
Instructor (s)Department academic staff 
Course objectiveTo provide a basic knowledge on high pressure, microwave and infrared treatment, their effects on cereal constituents and utilization of microwave and infrared treatments in cereal processing. Provide information and discuss recent developments on starch modification, gluten-free food and enzyme resistant starch production, extrusion and cereal technology and recent techniques used in quality evaluation of cereal and cereal products. Equip students with the techniques, skills and modern tools necessary for cereal processing. Educate students to identify and solve problems about processing and quality characteristics. Develop awareness on continuous improvement, professional and ethical responsibility. Develop skills in seeking information from various sources and preparing a group project and oral presentation. 
Learning outcomes
  1. At the end of this course, the student will learn basic knowledge on high pressure, microwave and infrared treatment.
  2. will learn effects of high pressure, microwave and infrared treatments on cereal constituents
  3. will learn utilization of microwave and infrared treatments in cereal processing,
  4. will learn recent developments on starch modification, gluten-free food production, enzyme resistant starch production, extrusion technology and cereal technology and will learn recent techniques used in quality evaluation of cereal and cereal products.
  5. will improve the ability to use basic knowledge on food chemistry and cereal technology in a discussion about processing effects on constituents and quality and will improve the ability to state ideas clearly.
  6. will improve the ability to access information from different sources, prepare an oral presentation and a group report.
  7. will improve awareness of professional and ethical responsibility.
Course ContentStarch modification, high pressure treatment, microwave treatment, infrared treatment, effects of high pressure, microwave and infrared treatments on cereal constituents, utilization of microwave and infrared treatment in manufacture of cereal products, recent advances in gluten-free food production, enzyme resistant starch production, extrusion technology and cereal technology, recent techniques used in quality evaluation of cereal and cereal products.

ReferencesProctor, A., 2010, Alternatives to Conventional Food Processing, RSC Publishing.
Schubert, H., Reiger, M., 2005, The microwave processing of of foods, Woodhead Publishing.
Singh, R.P., Heldman, D.R., 2001, Introduction to Food Engineering, Academic Press, UK.
Datta A. K., Almeida M., 2005, Properties relevant to infrared heating of foods, M. A. Rao, S. S. H. Rizvi, & A. K. Datta (Eds), Engineering Properties of Foods, USA: CRC Pres LLC.
Skjöldebrand, C., 2001, Infrared heating, P. Richardson (Ed.), Thermal Technologies in Food Processing, USA: CRC Press LLC.
Skjöldebrand, C., 2002, Infrared processing, C.J.K. Henry, C. Chapman (Eds.), The nutrition handbook for food processors, USA: CRC Press LLC.
Sakai N., Mao W., 2006, Infrared heating, D.-W. Sun (Ed.), Thermal food processing: new technologies and quality issues, USA: CRC Press LLC.
Mercier, C., 1989, Extrusion cooking, AACC, USA. 

Course outline weekly

Week 1Modification of starches and its advantages
Week 2Effects of high pressure on cereal proteins and carbohydrates
Week 3Role of high pressure treatment in starch modification and recent advances in high pressure treatment
Week 4Basic principles of microwave treatment, utilization in cereal and cereal products, its effects on quality and cereal constituents
Week 5Recent advances in microwave treatment
Week 6Basic principles of infrared treatment, its effect on cereal constituents
Week 7Utilization of infrared treatment in cereal processing, presentation
Week 8Midterm.
Week 9Modification of starch by infrared treatment (heat-moisture treatment), presentation
Week 10Recent advances in gluten-free food production
Week 11Recent advances in enzyme resistant starch production
Week 12Recent advances in extrusion technology
Week 13Recent advances in cereal technology and quality evaluation
Week 14Presentations
Week 15Study for final exam
Week 16Final exam

Assesment methods

Course activitiesNumberPercentage
Field activities00
Specific practical training00
Final exam150
Percentage of semester activities contributing grade succes050
Percentage of final exam contributing grade succes050


Activities Number Duration (hour) Total Work Load
Course Duration (x14) 14 3 42
Laboratory 0 0 0
Specific practical training000
Field activities000
Study Hours Out of Class (Preliminary work, reinforcement, ect)129108
Presentation / Seminar Preparation24080
Homework assignment000
Midterms (Study duration)13030
Final Exam (Study duration) 14040
Total Workload30122300

Matrix Of The Course Learning Outcomes Versus Program Outcomes

D.9. Key Learning OutcomesContrubition level*
1. Understands, determines and applies fundamental sciences, mathematics and engineerig sciences in an advanced level.     X
2. Has deeply and broadly knowledge about his/her field including latest developments.     X
3. Accesses the latest knowledge in an area and has advanced sufficiency about methods and skills required to search and comprehend it.    X 
4. Percieves, designs, applies and concludes an original research process independently; manages this process.  X  
5. Contributes to the science and technology literature by publishing his/her academic studies? outputs in notable academic platforms.  X   
6. Performs a comprehensive study that brings innovation to science and technology, developes a new scientific method or technologic product/processor applies a known method to a newfield.     X
7. Evluates scientific, technological, social and cultural developments and transfers them to the public with scientific impartiality and ethical sense of responsibility.   X 
8. Performs critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation about ideas and developments of his/her profession.    X
9. Effectively communicates written or orally with people working on his/her profession and broader scientific and social societies, communicates and discusses written, orally or visually in an advanced level by using a native language at least European Language Portfolio C1 general level.   X  

*1 Lowest, 2 Low, 3 Average, 4 High, 5 Highest