Course Name Code Semester Theory
Credit ECTS
EVALUATION of PHYSICS PROGRAMS FME705 Any Semester/Year 3 0 3 12
Course languageTurkish
Course typeElective 
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-Face 
Learning and teaching strategiesLecture
Question and Answer
Project Design/Management
Instructor (s)Instructor 
Course objectiveTo teach curriculum application and evaluation models.  
Learning outcomes
  1. Understand curriculum application and evaluation models,
  2. Understand the relationship between application and evaluation models.
  3. Understand principles, aims and models of evaluation.
Course Content1. Curriculum application and evaluation models,
2. The relationship between application and evaluation models.
3. Principles, aims and models of evaluation.
References1. Collette, A. T. and Chiappette, E.L. 1989; Science Instruction in the Middle and Secondary Schools, Meril Publishing Company, Ohio, USA. 2. VanTassel-Baska, J. 1994; Comprehensive Curriculum for Gifted Learners, Pearson Educaion, ISBN 0-205-15412-3, USA.

Course outline weekly

Week 1Teaching programs
Week 2Developing teaching programs
Week 3Investigating current teaching programs
Week 4Investigating current teaching programs
Week 5Evaluating current teaching programs
Week 6Investigating current literature
Week 7Investigating current literature
Week 8Midterm
Week 9Investigating current literature
Week 10Developing criterion for evaluation
Week 11Developing criterion for evaluation
Week 12Presenting projects
Week 13Presenting projects
Week 14Presenting projects
Week 15-
Week 16Final exam

Assesment methods

Course activitiesNumberPercentage
Field activities00
Specific practical training00
Final exam150
Percentage of semester activities contributing grade succes350
Percentage of final exam contributing grade succes150


Activities Number Duration (hour) Total Work Load
Course Duration (x14) 14 2 28
Laboratory 0 0 0
Specific practical training000
Field activities000
Study Hours Out of Class (Preliminary work, reinforcement, ect)14456
Presentation / Seminar Preparation335105
Homework assignment000
Midterms (Study duration)17070
Final Exam (Study duration) 12323
Total Workload48186360

Matrix Of The Course Learning Outcomes Versus Program Outcomes

D.9. Key Learning OutcomesContrubition level*
1. develop their advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in the field considering undergraduate and master of science program qualifications.    X
2. combine the advanced current scientific knowledge and their perspectives related to the field and reach new definitions. X    
3. build complex relations between their field and other disciplines by using their knowledge and skills and, they may design new research questions.    X
4. increase their knowledge in the field and obtain original scientific findings by integrating analysis, synthesis and evaluation processes into their studies.    X
5. do research in science and mathematics education and classify the findings in order to do further research.   X 
6. use qualitative and quantitative research methods, and design an original research problem in their fields or in other fields. Besides that they may begin studying on the problem.     X
7. analyze, synthesize and evaluate different ideas critically.X    
8. do research which is sufficiently well qualified to be published both in national and international refereed journals with the help of scientific research methods,. and they may be able to contribute to scientific research in field education.     X
9. participate in interdisciplinary studies independently or in a group to study on original research problems.X    
10. think creatively and critically in the process of providing solutions and making decisions and they may design new research problems related to the field and develop new methods to solve these problems.X    
11. develop and use different teaching strategies that increase students? knowledge and skills and make learning and teaching processes be easier.     X
12. speak a foreign language efficiently and communicate with their colleagues in oral or written form in the environment where subjects related to their fields or other fields take place. X    
13. . consider the social and cultural differences in their studies, behave in accordance with scientific and technical ethical values, and providing suggestions, they may believe that these values take place in national and international platforms permanently.     X

*1 Lowest, 2 Low, 3 Average, 4 High, 5 Highest